Monday, August 19, 2013

Remlinger Farms

We went to Remlinger Farms with the Starrs. I'm told that I went there when I was little, but I don't remember it. It was Grayson's first time, and he had a blast! It is the perfect place for someone his age. There were horses to ride, fair type rides that were just his size, animals, tractors, a bus and a fire truck to climb on. It was just perfect!
First stop was the horses. G rode on Cucumber. He was pretty excited and was even calling himself a real cowboy by the end of the walk.



There was a small roller coaster ride that G was beyond excited that he could ride on. Sarah stayed with the other kids while the two of us went up. He loved it and so did I.

I love this picture because you can see Grayson and Ella with their hands up on the pumpkin ride. They both had one hand up nearly the entire ride.

My firefighter.

The train ride at the end of the afternoon. The kids were getting pretty tired by this time!

The three oldest kids were excited to try taking pictures of us on my camera. I think this one was taken by Ella who had joined the Starrs for the afternoon.

After everyone else left, we went back for one more ride. They had old fashion cars, and Grayson wanted to take us for a drive. He keeps asking when he gets to drive my car. It's going to come faster than I'll ever be ready for!
My girl. She thought it was fun having Grayson take us for a drive!

We left and in the car Grayson was already asking when we can go back!

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