Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Months

Grayson True, you are 10 months old!
Here's what you've been up to:
-You wear size 3 diapers, and mostly 12 month clothes.
-You are crawling all over the place, and you are FAST! You love when we chase you and giggle when we catch you.-You love lights (and have since you were born), and now you're learning how to flip a light switch...which means lots of easy entertainment for you!
-Every day you are discover more about your surroundings. New places to crawl, pulling yourself up on furniture, flipping up rug corners, pushing Duke's kennel door...every day is an adventure for you!
-Bath time is still a favorite, and now you're (most of the time) ok when water pours over your face. You also love playing with your bath toys and you've become fond of hitting them together in the water.
-Your favorite toys are currently books (I Love You Through and Through and Animal Sounds are daily reads), Scout, your camera, your farm animal toys (you love to crawl around with their heads in your mouth!).-Eating continues to be one of your favorite things. You've been eating more finger food meals (meatballs, rice balls, casseroles, etc). You also love cottage cheese, apples with cinnamon, always sweet potatoes and bananas. The ladies in the nursery always comment that you are able to eat more Cheerios than any other child in the room!-You're getting really good at drinking out of a cup. Your favorite is a cup that I used as a little girl. You love to hold it on your own, and you're even starting to ask for it by reaching towards it from your high chair. -You are a great sleeper! I can usually lay you down in your sleep sack with a blanket and pacifier and you're asleep within 10 minutes. Lately you have been "talking" to yourself instead of crying as you're falling asleep or when you wake up. -You usually wake up at 7:00, take a nap from 8:30-10:30, another nap from around 1:00-3:00, and then you're ready for bed by 7:00pm. Sometimes you'll take a third nap, but you seem to be dropping that one.
-You love to play with other kids. Twice a week you're in the church nursery (during bible study and during church service), and they always tell me you have such a fun time. You also love playing with the boys in our life group.
-You love playing at parks and going for walks. You usually get very quiet as you are constantly looking around and taking everything in.-You have no fear of people. You are always very social, don't mind being held by others and love to wave "hi" to everyone (friends, family, the grocery store clerk, the librarian...everyone!).
(This is one of the only pictures I got with him in the frame with Pooh. Our days of taking pictures with Pooh may have come to an end!)

We love you sweet boy!

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