Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Preschool Open House

Every day when I pick Grayson up from school, he comes running out of the classroom all smiles. His first hug usually goes to Makenna, and then the next one comes to me. He's quick to tell me all about the snack they had that day, but then his stories slow down. 

I've learned that I need to be patient and persistent. I ask lots of questions until he starts to open up. Some days he'll tell me that he doesn't want to tell me what he did, but soon enough he'll start telling me about the crafts they made, songs that were sung and new friends that were made. It's been very special for him to have this time and place that are all his own.

Each school morning he carries in his Lightening McQueen bag which he selected on his own at the Disney store. When I pick him up he's always quick to pull out whatever treasure he's created that is in his bag. A lot of the crafts I'd heard about but never seen, so we were both excited for open house.

Grayson informed me the morning of the open house that his teacher had asked them all to dress up for the event. I was skeptical, and asked if he was sure. He told me again that he was supposed to dress up. Then I asked him if he just really wanted to get dressed up for the open house. With a big smile he said, "Yeah." So, we got him all spiffed up for the event and met Adam and my mom at the church.

As we pulled into the driveway Grayson informed me, "Mommy I'm going to look at the special treats first, so I'm not going to be able to show you my crafts right away." The special treats were a big hit. He even took a break to show us around.
He loved showing us his crafts, his favorite toys, the chair he sat in for his "special day", and seeing all of his friends.

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