Sunday, December 8, 2013

Life Group Christmas Party

We have a seriously awesome Life Group from our church that we meet with (if all goes as planned) every other week. It has been such a blessing for Adam and I, and I treasure the friendships we've made through this group.

We asked all of the families (kids included) to come over for a Christmas party. As with most of our parties, there was a Seahawks game going that was the highlight event of the evenings festivities.

A couple families brought over gingerbread men for the kids to decorate. It was a hit, and surprisingly not too big of a mess.

Grayson decorated in full superhero gear.

Makenna played with some sweet little friends her own size.

The kids loved being able to spend time together. I think during the course of the evening every toy in our house was played with! Delicious food was eaten by the plate full, and memories were made.

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